JustLeadershipUSA Celebrates the Final Implementation of the SBA’s Rule Opening Access to Lending

May 30, 2024

Today, the Small Business Administration’s Final Rule takes effect that will reduce barriers and increase ease for entrepreneurs who are directly impacted to access SBA lending programs. JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA) President/CEO and JustUS Coordinating Council (JCC) founder, DeAnna Hoskins, issued the following statement:

“JustLeadershipUSA and the JustUS Coordinating Council recognize and support the work of the Small Business Administration in opening access to loan programs previously unattainable for hundreds of thousands of business owners who are directly impacted by the criminal legal system. Economic mobility is essential to healthy communities and families, and yet unemployment among people with criminal records is well over 20 percent.

“For decades, outdated Federal policies mandating ‘character requirements’ for applicants for business lending programs were yet another way for the door to opportunity to be slammed shut. These barriers have impacted members of the JLUSA and JCC communities for too long and have hampered the lasting success of entrepreneurs across the country. As outlined in our economic mobility landscape report, the JustUS Coordinating Council believes the time is now for a new vision of economic opportunity and justice where all systems-impacted individuals can thrive. This Final Rule is a major step in leveling the playing field and reducing barriers to opportunity and access.”

Learn more about how we are advocating at the Federal level on behalf of the 70+ million justice-impacted Americans through the JustUS Coordinating Council at justuscc.org.